
Do I need more RAM or a bigger hard drive? Should I back up my files? How hard is it to install a new video card? Is WiFi better than wired networks?
Don't you just love computers? Computers and the technology that goes with them have created love-hate relationships for a lot of people. Computer technology is the fastest growing industry on the planet! It's no wonder people have a hard time keeping up with it and have a hard time understanding it. Just when we start getting used to a "new" technological advancement, another improvement hits the market.

I have been fortunate enough to be involved with computers since the Dos 3.1 days and I have for the most part been able to follow and keep up with the changes in the industry over the years. Now, I'm not a Web Developer or a computer programmer but I have not given up on learning those things someday when I decide to dive in. It's my near term goal to get my MCSE certification so that I can better understand network and OS protocols.

Hopefully, I can provide technical advice and tips on this page for those of you who just don't want to pay a geek $75 an hour to do a simple task.

Digital Drawbacks 
Manufacturing Tech