Well....it's been a while since my last blog post and I apologize for that. I have been really busy working on many projects and just did not have time to update my blog. Part of my problem is that I can't get past the feeling that a blog post should be a fairly lengthy writing. I know that is not true but it's something that I have to work on. Here is an attempt to do just that.
I want to use this post to put my son (Rob) up on a pedestal. It's an odd feeling for me to have a 30 year old son and in some ways it is a surrealistic experience. It's interesting to me how, as I watch him go through life, he has exhibited some of the same gestures, facial expressions and mannerisms that I have. I'm sure that genetics play a big part of how that works out. People tell us quite frequently that we sound the same way and that we look so much alike. Even (18 mo old granddaughter) Ashlyn (on a recent trip to visit them) came to me and wanted me to pick her up thinking that I was Rob. The look of bewilderment on her face was priceless as I was holding her and she looked back and forth between me and Rob a few times before figuring out that I was not him.
I am so proud of Rob. He is a college graduate, a fine Christian man and has married a beautiful Christian woman and they have a beautiful daughter. And if I couldn't be any more proud, Rob now has a very important role as a member of the US military. He has lots of talents but one of my favorites is his art skill. I have a certain level of limited drawing talent (if it involves only pencils) but when I see Rob's drawings and designs, it's clear that he is much, much better at it. Rendering a drawing can sometimes take as long as several hours which definitely requires patience and that is a quality that he has.
You should check out his website where you can own some of his work printed on various items such as shirts, hoodies, mugs, key chains, etc. The image with this post is his logo. If you are the patriotic type or you have family members in the military, then you DEFINITELY will want to see his latest designs.
As parents, you always wonder how your kids are going to turn out when they become adults and I have to say, we have been thoroughly blessed.
I love you Son and I am really going to enjoy watching your family grow through the years (Lord willing).
Thanks Dad! You really have no idea how much what you've said affects me. I am proud of how much we have in common, and I couldn't imagine a better father. I am me because of who you are. Love you Dad.