Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Proud Father's been a while since my last blog post and I apologize for that. I have been really busy working on many projects and just did not have time to update my blog. Part of my problem is that I can't get past the feeling that a blog post should be a fairly lengthy writing. I know that is not true but it's something that I have to work on. Here is an attempt to do just that.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tiling Basics

I love DIY projects, especially if it involves remodeling my house or building some piece of furniture or useful object. Now that I have a few different projects under my belt and have gained some experience from them, I no longer feel as intimidated or afraid to take on another project. Before I do a new project, I spend a fair amount of time researching materials, techniques and tools online. That's what I love about the internet. You can find just about any information, example or instruction to help you with whatever you are trying to fix, work on or create.
Now, as I said earlier, I have done a few projects but the thing that I have done multiple times is laying ceramic tile. Laying ceramic tile sounds like it requires a lot of expertise and skill but as I did my first project, I was amazed at how simple it really is to do, if you take the time to plan out the project and invest in a few specialized tools. If you want to see the results of a tile project that I worked on for my in-laws, then read on.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Manufacturing Technology

This past Thursday and Friday, I attended IMTS 2010 in Chicago. IMTS stands for International Manufacturing Technology Show and it is a HUGE deal in the manufacturing world. I saw the latest and greatest in manufacturing equipment and cutting edge technology as it is applied to various processes within the industrial world. I realize that this probably does not excite too many of you but I'd like to invite you to read on and let me show you some of the cool stuff I saw!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is that wood?!

Now that summer is coming to a close and the daytime highs are getting more reasonable, it's time for me to start a woodworking project! Now, I'm not one of those craftsmen that has a nice, air-conditioned and heated shop that exists on their property only for least, not yet! No, I do all of my work in the 'ol garage like many others do. At least though, I have recently done a fairly thorough garage cleaning and threw away.....yes, you read it right, threw away several items, sold a couple of large items on Craigslist and now have more room in my garage than I have had in a long time. Well.... it helps too that I now have a storage shed that my dad and I built over the summer. It is the new home for my riding mower and most of my lumber. I will talk about building my shed in another post but in this post, I'll begin sharing the process as I go through it to build my next wood project. What is it, you ask?!.....well, read on to find out.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Fotographer Fanatic

I think I have created a monster! About a year ago, I decided to surprise my wife with a gift that she had been wanting for a long time..... a DSLR camera! Little did I realize that this was going to launch her into a hobby that had just been waiting for her to get into. Now, by no means am I complaining, on the contrary, I am very glad that she has found an interest in which she can submerge herself into and thoroughly enjoy. I know what you are thinking.... those cameras are expensive! Yes....the NEW ones are, but let me tell you about the sweet deal I got on this used one via Ebay.